So the kids were discussing the logistics of Santa today in the car as they headed for MSU. Last night, Kim took them to the mall to visit with Santa, and they were trying to determine if that was the "real" Santa or not. Ellen suggested that there are "replacement" Santas that supplement the real Santa in malls. She added also that there must be at least one from each country because otherwise they wouldn't be able to speak the language. Finally, she worked out the basis for an Elf pay scale, based on cookies and the relative values of one to the other. Ginger snaps, were, apparently, the pennies of the cookie world, with 3 of them to one sugar cookie, and then cascading upwards to the fig newton, which if the math works out, would be worth about 10,000 ginger snaps.
Katie decided that the mall Santa in whose lap she perched last night must have been the real one for two reasons: 1, his beard felt real, and 2, he knew how Rudolph was doing when she asked about him!
How can one argue with logic like that?
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