What's she's capable of...

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Faithful readers of this blog know that I think my daughters are the smartest kids in the world, but I submit a bit of proof for Ellen. Here's a school assignment that she spent 10 minutes on, a picture that she had to write a short story about. When she wants to, she can put together something that, as far as I can tell, is better written than many things adults write.

The Assignment:

The Story:


As I hid in the bushes, Tarbosaurus roared. I smelled his foul breath. I saw his jagged claws. And I heard his earsplitting ROAR! I longed to be in my nest of soft twigs and leaves. But I knew that if I tried to escape, I'd be as good as dead. Lifes not easy when your a psittarosaurus, but you have to learn to live with it. Maybe the tarbosaurus would go away? I hoped it would! I wanted to see my mate as soon as possible! Tarasaurus lifted his giant hear and sniffed. It seemed to smell something else so it walked away from me and I, feeling very happy, walked home.


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