So this years pumpkin entries have arrived. We got a good deal on some huge pumpkins from a local plant place, and the kids did MUCH more of their own pumpkins than ever before. Katie pooped out after about half of the doggie, but Ellen poked and cut and did a really nice job on hers. So, without further ado, Katie's terrier, Ellen's owl, and my portrait of the kids:

it's interesting. As I was carving mine, it just seemed to be coming out terribly. In fact, I considered giving up about 1/2 way through because it just wasn't looking right. But, after I was done, and put the light inside it, suddenly the kids just popped out and I was pretty pleased. This was the first time I've actually made a template myself and here's the template:

Anyway, enjoy the pumpkins. Pictures are nice because it's a pretty ephemeral art form.