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Day 1, redux

Today was Katie's first day of kindergarten and excitement was running high. No fear--that's Katie's motto--and, true to form she wandered into school without even looking back...or so I'm told. You see, I was up on the top field waiting, with Ellen, for her new teacher, Ms. Ailey (sp?), to figure out which was was up, while Kim took Katie to the front entrance where the little ones enter.. Every other teacher was out, with a sign, proclaiming "This is MY line!" to their new students. Ellen's teacher was wandering around aimlessly, no sign, trying to figure out where she was, where her students were, the general rotation of the Earth, and God knows what else leading, ultimately, to her class figuring out what line they were supposed to be in about 5 minutes after the school bell rang. By the time I got around to the front to where the kindergarteners were entering to begin their bold new career as students, they had all filed in and I missed Katie ignoring her parents to run into school.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2005 8:41 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Knock knock.

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