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Tonight's Movie

Today is July 4th and the obvious thing to do would be take the kids to see fireworks, right? Well...perhaps if Katie was a bit older, then fireworks starting at 9:30 would be OK, but still at 4 it's just too late for her. She might not even like them because of the noise. So, instead we did "TV Dinners" as the kids call watching a movie while eating dinner. Some picnic fare (fried chicken) and a really good movie and we were all set.

We watched a movie a friend of mine has been recommending for a long time, and one I think the kids really liked, called "Kiki's Delivery Service". It really was beautiful. It's a Japanese import from the master of Anime, Hayao Miyazaki, about a young witch who starts a delivery service when she needs to essentially do her internship to be a witch. It's really gorgeous and lush and very very sweet. We all loved it.

Of course, about 2/3 the way through it, Ellen got up and started for her Game Boy...I put a stop to that and she settled in to watch, and enjoy the rest. No idea what that was all about, but I think she just got distracted. Anyway, a definate recommendation for kids 5 or 6 and older. Katie was spellbound for most of it.

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