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Technology just sometimes rocks.

So I'm at Ellen's T-Ball game, as previously commented upon a sometimes amusing, usually painful experience. But this time, I brought my laptop. And my treo. And I'm posting this from the laptop, via the treo (connected with bluetooth), connected celularly to the 'net.

It's not fast (about 40kbps). It's not sexy. But it's really really cool.


OK, so Ellen hit the ball, ran to first...and then to second (heedless of the person ON second), and to third, with the person on second then trailing her but past the person on third, and then all the way home. Leaving 2 people still standing on the bases and some confused, but amused coaches in her wake.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2005 6:25 PM.

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The next post in this blog is I collect Disney.

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