These are a few posts I've wanted to post, but just haven't gotten around to, so I'm pilingthem into one meaty post instead of a couple of weak little ones.
First, from the "She's an honorary New Yorker" catagory, Kim got in a good one the other day at a motorist who decided to pull out in front of us at 10 MPH in a 40 zone. I'm giving him my own standard, "God Damn...crappy Nissan Sentra piece of shit...", 'cause it was, and she pipes up with "Pedal faster!". I laughed my ass off...
Next, from the "I wanna do everything daddy does" catagory, I'm working out on our new elliptical tonight and katie comes in asking what I'm doing. "I'm exercising," I answer. To which she replies "I'm going to exercise too!" and starts running around my bedroom at top Katie-speed, tongue sticking out. She runs about 10 steps, stops, turns around, runs another 10 steps. Repeat. That lasts about 2 minutes, then she decides to rest and eventually wanders off. There's dedication.
Finally, from the "Better late than never" category, Ellen's New Years Resolutions found their way to my desk in the form of a written assignment at school. God knows when it was done, but I just saw it a week or so ago. Here it is, intact:
My New Years Resolution is to stop picking my lips so that I will save tissues and put on more Carmex and I will comb and brush my hair so that the cow won't lick my hair.
Her words, not mine.
That's the list for now.