November 2004 Archives

Parental Wisdom

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This morning saw this exchange between Kim and Ellen, as Ellen sat in her room in the morning, attempting to get a comb through her rat's nest of hair and mostly spacing off:

K: You might want to try using a brush instead.
E spaces off.
K: Ellen, you might want to try a brush...
E: Oh. OK. (she disappears to go get one)
E (from inside of her room): Thanks for the advice!

Our pleasure.

My big two wheeler

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Today, I was watching Ellen ride her bike, and it just seemed like she was getting bad habits with her training wheels, so...poof! Off they came. We took them off and I ran up and down the street with her, holding the handle bar, helping her balance as she rode a two wheel bike for the first time. She was bursting with pride when we were done and it's a wonderful thing to see. Got some nice video and it's one of the great reasons I'm glad I have this blog--years from now, I want to remember when this was.

Go Ellen!

What to do...

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My parents are willing to babysit for the day and into the evening and we can't figure out what in the world we want to do. It's saturday, we should do something fun, but there are no good movies and we don't want to go shopping the saturday after thanksgiving.

Damn, we need a hobby. Actually, I guess we gave one...they're called kids. Ooh, maybe we'll go look at the new line of Yamaha digital pianos and see if an upgrade came in for the one we have. We have 2 years to trade up, and meant to go look.

There! An idea, if not a great one.

Batman vs. Mr. Incredible

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Interaction between katie and ellen, while watching the thanksgiving day parade:

Katie: Batman came to our school. The real Batman.
Me: Did he take off the day from fighting crime?
Ellen: Mr. Incredible took over for the day.
Katie: But Mr. Incredible isn't real!
Me: And Batman is real?
Katie: Yep.
Me: How do you know he's real?
Katie: He can take off his gloves.

This followed with a fight over whether Mr. Incredible was real or not.

Is it Christmas, Momma?

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Yesterday morning, just after getting up, I'm lying in bed still and Kim comes and opens the blinds to look out the window. Much to my horror, she announces that there is snow on the ground. The kids, standing there listening, start jumping up and down hooting happily like a couple of owls. Ellen is yelling, "It snowed! it snowed! We can build a snowman" (there's maybe 1/2" of snow on the ground).

Katie wanders up to Kim with a wide-eyed look and says "Is it Christmas?"

Kittens, Mark II

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I'm posting this mostly because I realized I never followed up with whether or not we got our kittens. Of course, we did, and they're absolutely adorable. They're about 6 months old each, apparently brother and sister from an obviously mixed litter, and as snuggly as you could get in a cat, I think. They just want to be petted, love being picked up, snuggling up with us, and will just purr contentedly for just about as long as we're willing to do it.

We're working on "No" with them, and they have a habit of jumping into our bed during the night to get petted.

In any case, we're very pleased with them, and they seem to be having fun here too.

Ellen named them "Linus and Lucy", which we thought fitted them quite well.


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Woke up this morning to find my yard covered with snow. I don't know what you folks in the cold regions of the world, like Vermont...or Antarctica...are used to, but for me, snow on November 13 just plain sucks.

Especially since I have to go rake leaves that are now covered with the stuff! It's supposed to be:

1, leaves fall.
2, leaves are raked
3, snow.

Mother Nature is all cockeyed 'round here.

In search of...Kittens!

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We're hoping to adopt a pair of kittens tonight. Assuming no one comes to get them today, we'll go get these two cats tonight:

Now we're working on names. I've had the following suggestions:

1. Tweedledee & Tweedledum
2. Boris and Natasha (the grey looking one is a Russian Blue breed)
3. Shadow and Wednesday (from American Gods)
4. Boris and Ms. Pickle (courtesy of Ellen)

Any other suggestions? Leave comments, please!

A recent suggestion (from me):

5. Max and Ruby (a la Rosemary Wells)

You wouldn't believe...

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...who I met today. Working at Bruce Weber's studio, a loft in Soho, I've gotten to meet some cool people--Bruce, who is a fairly well known director--as well as some very famous dogs (True, and the rest of the cast of "A Letter to True"--see prior blog entry). However, today was a red-letter day in the "meeting cool people" catagory. I'm setting up some equipment and Michele calls me and nods towards the center of the room where a man who looks very familiar is standing talking. I do a double take and it's none other than "The Great One", number 99, Wayne Gretzsky! He's a really nice guy, his wife is still seriously attractive, and he was very friendly. I surrepticiously took this terrible picture with my Treo (yeah, I me that that's him on the far right, in a grey overcoat):

People are sheep

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I'm sick of this election and I'm embarassed over the results. The rest of the world must look at us and just shake their heads. And, honestly, I'm only partially upset about the moron we elected president--I'm more upset about the 12 states that decided that gays and lesbians don't get the same rights that heterosexuals do. I think the record numbers of narrow minded sheep out there just goes to show that a person can be smart, but people are idiots.


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Looking through the kids bags o' crap, I was thinking about some of the candy I liked as a kid, and realized that some of it just isn't made anymore. Of course, I looked online, and was looking for a specific type of candy that I used to love called "Razzles", which was this weird candy that turned into gum. I assumed that they didn't exist anymore. Then I found Hometown Favorites. This place is WONDERFUL! All the old candies and gifts and stuff that are really hard to find.

I'm gonna stock up on Razzles! Maybe some licorice pipes! ;)

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