I just used iPhoto to make and order a book. It worked terribly to start, but after some work, was very cool. Here's what happened:
I put together the book, clicked "order book" and nothing happened. Some research from me and Greg found that this isn't a unique issue, but none of the solutions suggested worked. I tossed the application, which contains the resources that activate the netservices call to the apple store, and then replaced it with a copy of iPhoto 4, and then tried to update it from software update. Software update didn't even see it. Very odd.
So, I downloaded the 4.0.3 updater and updated it, and then it wouldn't even launch. Wonderful.
So, delete it again, reboot, install from the iLife CD, run the updater again, and BAM! it not only opened, but the book-maker-thingie worked flawlessly. Really nice.
The book is for my mom's birthday, and I think she'll love it. Navy blue linen cover, 12 pages of photos, and a lovely introduction page. A nice touch from Apple.
Oh, and with express shipping, ran around $50.
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